Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dancing in the Rain

As I sit here at 12:17 in the morning on 12-12-10 on my silver, nearly deflated workout ball with a Nalgene liter bottle of water and recently baked chocolate meringue cookies I desperately think to myself:
I. Must. Roast. More. Almonds!
That was right after I barged into the house to quench my excruciating thirst (now aided by trusty Nalgene); and this beforehand was sustained by my good friend D who held me back with iron-man strength from dropping to my knees to drink from a street puddle. As we walked to the bus station from a thoroughly enjoyed Jon & Roy concert.

Yes, I have attended my second out of Third Annual Jon & Roy Holiday SPECIAL! And what fun it was. D and I waited amongst the antsy but ever-loyal J&R fan crowd outside of the venue doors, anxiously waiting to be let in, patted down, searched through, turned upside down, eye-scanned, finger-printed, ID viewed, out of the rain. Well, not exactly to that extent, but we were still waiting to be out of the non-stop downpour. Once 7 p.m. rolled around we joyfully leaped up the stairs, my newly bought Canon child being huddled closely to my chest, and we were graciously led into the magnificent cathedral of a church...that holds about 200 people or the like.
With fairly decent seats we witnessed the musical wonders of:
 Steph  MacPherson accompanied by Vince Vaccaro; absolutely incredible voice she has.
 The ever so talented Aidan Knight!
 Jon & Roy with guest singers from Current Swell, another amazing Canadian band.
 And last but not least the fantastic, talented, beat-jumpin', lovable Jon of Jon & Roy!
Two other musicians performed but with pictures too blurry I can only mention their names of Bahamas and Damien Jurado. Bahamas took us back to old folk-inspired tunes with a true western accent ringing out and made us laugh with an amusing love song by the name of "Hockey Teeth." Jurado haunted the audience with a 4 to 5 minute "ghost song", one that sent shivers down spines and captivated stunned faces as he screamed bits of song into the audience. Both were extremely talented artists with reputations of playing with other famous bands around the world. 
By the end of it all J&R had the crowd stamping their feet and clapping with arms high as they closed off with one of my favorite songs, "Little Bit of Love" and high above the dancing group hovered and looped a lazy, nearly transparent mechanical bird. Yes, someone brought a mechanical bird to a concert and flew it during the performances. It was amazing.

If you haven't had a chance to jam out to these new-on-the-market bands (well, some of them) it's about time you did. Although they're all Canadian, save Jurado who hails from the near Canadian city of Seattle, they are damn good at what they do and you are by no doubt missing out on some good tunes. Broaden your horizons and listen to something of what I love to call West Coast Reggae (J&R) and mermaid inspired melodies (MacPherson).

And I must roast more almonds now that my thirst is quenched.

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